
Qué es el ROLECE

What is ROLECE?

What is ROLECE? If, as a company, you ever thought of or tried to apply for a public tender in Spain you must find about the Spanish State Official Register for Tenderers and Classified Companies (ROLECE, for its initials in Spanish). This is a digital certification that collects all the

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Qué es la Clasificación empresarial
Business Classification

What is business classification for?

What is business classification for? Are you thinking of applying for a public tender? Is the economic amount a remarkable one? To make a long story short, business classification is useful to accredit the tenderer’s solvency and ability to act ensuring the correct performance of the service to the contracting

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Fuentes de financiación Clave3
Funding sources

What funding sources can I use to boost your business?

What are the funding sources? All businesses need funding to operate and develop their projects. But, how many types of funding exist and how can we get them? Any company, idea, or business requires financial support to reach its goals. Some help –additional to internal resources– coming from a number

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